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Corporate Irresponsibility: America`s Newest Export - Lawrence E. Mitchell
Good Capitalism, Bad Capitalism, and the Economics of Growth and Prosperity - , Robert E. Litan
The Illusions of Entrepreneurship: The Costly Myths That Entrepreneurs, Investors, and Policy Makers Live By - Scott A. Shane
Prophets, Profits, and Peace: The Positive Role of Business in Promoting Religious Tolerance - Timothy L Fort
Principles of General Management: The Art and Science of Getting Results Across Organizational Boundaries - John L. Colley
Whatever Happened to Thrift? - Ronald T Wilcox
Managing for Stakeholders:Survival, Reputation, and Success - R. Edward Freeman
Money, Markets, and Sovereignty - , Manuel Hinds
Teach What You Know: A Practical Leader's Guide to Knowledge Transfer Using Peer Mentoring - Steve Trautman
Project Management for Mere Mortals® - Claudia Baca
How to Win Sales & Influence Spiders: Boosting Your Business & Buzz on the Web - Seda, Catherine
Adaptive Project Framework: Managing Complexity in the Face of Uncertainty - Robert K Wysocki, Ph.D
The Designful Company: How to build a culture of nonstop innovation - Marty Neumeier
Principles of Engineering Manufacture - , S. Black
Next - Michael Lewis
Labour Relations in Eastern Europe - K. Petkov
Britain's Competitiveness - Christopher Carr
Economists and the Financial Markets - Brendan Brown
Sustaining Domestic Budget Deficits in Open Economies - Farrokh K. Langdana
Mary Douglas - Richard Fardon
State Policies and Techno-Industrial Innovation
Multinational Enterprises in India - Nagesh Kumar
Technological Innovation and Third World Multinationals - Estrella E. Tolentino
War and the City - Gregory J. Ashworth
Papua New Guinea - John Connell
Swedish Economic Thought
Radioactive Waste - Frans Berkhout
Changing U.S. Auto Industry - James M. Rubenstein
Small Business Enterprise - Gavin Reid
Economics and Hermeneutics
The Philosophy of Economics - Subroto Roy
The Principles of Economics - Lawrence Boland
Reform and Transformation in Eastern Europe
The Sociology and Professionalization of Economics - W. W. Coats
Industrial Economic Regulation
Making Transnationals Accountable - David Bailey
Legacy of Hicks
International Trade Policy - Nigel Grimwade
Government and Economies in the Postwar World
Rationality, Institutions and Economic Methodology
World Fisheries Resources - R. Coull
Defense, Welfare and Growth
The Airport Business - Rigas Doganis
Involuntary Unemployment - Michel De Vroey
Patterns of European Industrialisation
German Unification and the International Economy
The Limits of Public Choice - Lars Udehn
Why Perestroika Failed - J. Peter Boettke
European Agriculture - Brian Gardner
The Origins of Economic Thought in Modern Japan - Chuhei Sugiyama
Microfoundations - C. W. Maarten
Energy Efficiency Policies - Victor Anderson
Industrial Efficiency and State Intervention - Nick Tiratsoo
Measurement, Quantification and Economic Analysis
Corporate Vision and Rapid Technological Change - Peter Swann
The Global Jukebox - Robert Burnett
Mediterranean Tradition in Economic Thought - Louis Baeck
Current Account and Foreign Debt - John Pitchford
European Economic Integration - Miroslav N. Jovanovic
Russian Currency and Finance - Steve Hanke
Transnationals and Governments - David Bailey
Profiles in Small Business - Gavin C. Reid
Steel Industry in Japan - Harukiyo Hasegawa
Occupational Health: A Practical Guide for Managers - Dr. Ann Fingret
The Goals of Macroeconomic Policy - Martin Prachowny
Japan and the Pacific Free Trade Area - Pekka Korhonen
Opening Japan's Financial Markets - J. Robert Brown
Investment Finance in Economic Development - Rogerio Studart
Monetary and Financial Policies in Developing Countries - Anis Chowdhury
Post-Modernism, Economics and Knowledge - Jack Amariglio
State and Industry in South Korea - Jong-Chan Rhee
Managerial Finance in the Corporate Economy
Industrial Subsidies and Friction in World Trade - Rambod Behboodi
Gender, Culture and Organizational Change
European Automobile Industry - Andrew McLaughlin
Literature of Political Economy - Samuel Hollander
Japanese Industrialization and the Asian Economy
Perfect Competition and the Transformation of Economics - Frank M. Machovec
How Developing Countries Trade - Page
Privatization and Equity
The Economics of Time and Ignorance - Gerald P. O'Driscoll
The Stateless Market
Manufacturing for Export in the Developing World
Finance Against Poverty: Volume 2 - David Hulme
Out of the Margin
Economic Development in the Middle East - Rodney Wilson
Exporting Africa
Interpreting Macroeconomics - Roger E. Backhouse
Organized Worlds - Robert Chia
On the Origins of Classical Economics - Tony Aspromourgos
Private Banking in Europe - Lynn Bicker
Multinational Investment and Economic Structure - Rajneesh Narula
Consumption in the Age of Affluence - Ben Fine
Authority and Control in Modern Industry
Internationalization of Small to Medium Enterprize
Economic Mind in America
Sociology, Work and Industry - Tony Watson
Capital Controversy, Post Keynesian Economics and the History of Economic Thought
The European Economy - Christopher Dent
Critical Economic Methodology:A Personal Odyssey - Lawrence A. Boland
Making Sense of a Changing Economy - Edward Nell
Multimedia Handbook - Tony Cawkell
Business Relationships with East Asia
A History of Money - John F. Chown
John R. Commons: Selected Essays - Warren Samuels
World Trade after the Uruguay Round
Middle Managers In Europe
Competitiveness, Subsidiarity and Industrial Policy
Keynes, Post-Keynesianism and Political Economy
Bank Deregulation and Monetary Order - George Selgin
Hayek and After - Jeremy Shearmur
Competition Policy in the Global Economy
Impact of Privatization - Stephen Martin
Budgetary Policy Modelling
Value, Distribution and Capital
The Organisation of the Firm - Martin Ricketts
End of the Professions? - Jane Broadbent
Economics for the Common Good - Mark A. Lutz
Making a Living in Europe - Alan Townsend
The Politics of Economic Development in Indonesia
Development of the Portugese Economy - David Corkhill
The State, Society and Big Business in South Korea - Yeon-Ho Lee
Foundations of International Economics - John T. Harvey
Dynamics of the Modern Brewing Industry
Economic Careers - Keith Tribe
Transnational Corporations - Grazia Ietto-Gillies
Global Restructuring of the Steel Industry - Anthony P. D'Costa
International Strategies in Telecommunications - Anders Pehrsson
The Economics of Soviet Breakup - Bert Van Selm
Latecomers in the Global Economy
Floating Exchange Rates - Ronald Macdonald
Studies in the History of Latin American Economic Thought - Oreste Popescu
Women's Work and Wages
Ancient Economic Thought - B. B. Price
The Economics of Commercial Property Markets - Michael Ball
The New Politics of Unemployment
Gold Standard In Theory & History - Barry Eichengreen
Rice: The Primary Commodity - A.J.H. Latham
What do Economists Know?
Classical Macroeconomics - James C. W. Ahiakpor
Social Economy - Clark Everling
Encyclopedia of Political Economy
Economics of James Steuart
Freedom in Economics
Changing Boundaries of the Firm
Knut Wicksell
Legal and Moral Aspects of International Trade
International Trade - Grimwades Nigel
Emancipating the Banking System and Developing Markets for Government Debt - Maxwell Fry
Global Competition and EU Environmental Policy
Megaevents and Modernity - Maurice Roche
Understanding Green Consumer Behaviour
The Market Revolution and its Limits - Alan Shipman
Economics of John Rae
Job Design and Technology
Understanding 'Classical' Economics
Post-Apartheid Southern Africa
Production Efficiency in Domesday England, 1086 - John McDonald
The Premodern Chinese Economy - Gang Deng
Industrial Change in China - Kate Hannan
European Integration and Foreign Direct Investment in the EU - Yang-Sup Shin
The Economic Geography of the Tourist Industry
Behind East Asian Growth
Labour Market Theory - Ben Fine
Towards A Fair Global Labour Market
Essays in the Economic History of the Atlantic World - John McCusker
Britain's Trade and Economic Structure - Lynden Moore
Trade Policy Issues in Asian Development - Prema-Chandra Athukorala
Financing of Small Business - Lauren Read
The Environmental Consequences of Growth - Douglas Booth
European Trade Unions
Capital Markets and Corporate Governance in Japan, Germany and the United States - Helmut M. Dietl
The Americanisation of European Business
The European Union and East Asia - Christopher Dent
Housing and Finance in Developing Countries
Economics of Science - James R. Wible
Marketing Apocalypse
International Management in China
Multinational Enterprises from the Netherlands
Resource Allocation in the Public Sector - Colin Fisher
Venture Capital Investment - Gavin C. Reid
Environment, Employment and Sustainable Development
Marx's Concept of Money - Anitra Nelson
Understanding Learning at Work
Organizations in Action - Peter Clark
The African Economy
Small Firms and Network Economies - Martin Perry
American Investment in British Manufacturing Industry - John H. Dunning
Romancing the Market
HRM, Technical Workers and the Multinational Corporation - Patrick McGovern
Informal Learning in the Workplace - John Garrick
Rethinking the Fifth Discipline - Robert Louis Flood
The Insecure Workforce - , John Salmon
Rethinking Industrial Relations
Japanese Economic Development - Penelope Francks
Nation-States and Money
Laws of History - Graeme Donald Snooks
Landscapes of Globalization - Philip F. Kelly
Organisational Learning and Effectiveness - John Denton
World Bank - Michelle Miller-Adams
Public Sector Ethics - Noel Preston
The Role of Banks in Monitoring Firms
Training for a Smart Workforce
Monetary Macroeconomics - Alvaro Cencini
Transforming Rural China - Chih-Jou Chen
Law, Capitalism and Power in Asia
Technology, Competitiveness and the State - , Greg Felker
Human Firm - John Tomer
Virtual Working - Paul Jackson
Political Economy and the New Capitalism - Sam Aaronovitch
Thinking About Management
Population, Economic Growth and Agriculture in Less Developed Countries - Nadia Cuffaro
Interfirm Networks
Industrial Policy in Europe
Knowledge, Institutions and Evolution in Economics - Brian J. Loasby
Japanese Capitalism in Crisis
Macroeconomic Forecasting - Robert Evans
Sex, Work and Sex Work - Joanna Brewis
Payment Systems in Global Perspective
Working for McDonald's in Europe - Tony Royle
Japanese Economics and Economists Since 1945
Strategic Marketing - Tony Proctor
Marketing and Social Construction - Chris Hackley
The Economics of Professional Team Sports
Public-Private Partnerships - Stephen P. Osborne
Economist With a Public Purpose
Towards An Unknown Marx - Enrique D. Dussel
Retail Product Management - Rosemary Varley
Rethinking Public Relations
The New Industrial Geography - Meric S. Gertler
Culture in the Communication Age
Hong Kong Management and Labour - Patricia Fosh
Understanding, Managing and Implementing Quality - , David Preece
Doing Business in China - Tim Ambler
Human Resource Management in Developing Countries
Towards Recovery in Pacific Asia - Gerald Segal
Management of Intangibles - Ahmed Bounfour
Central Banking in Eastern Europe - Nigel Healey
Competition Policy Analysis - Einar Hope
Development Policy in the Twenty-First Century
Working Time
Intellectual Property and Innovation Management in Small Firms
Gender, Diversity and Trade Unions
Case Histories in Business Ethics
Methodology, Microeconomics and Keynes
Value of Marx - Alfredo Saad Filho
Imagining Marketing
The Origins of Ecological Economics
Eastern Europe at the Turn of the Twenty-First Century - Ian Jeffries
Bullying in Adulthood - Peter Randall
Profit with Honor: The New Stage of Market Capitalism - Daniel Yankelovich
Battle for the Soul of Capitalism - John C. Bogle
Truth or Economics - Richard S Markovits
Predictocracy - Michael Abramowicz
Forgive Us Our Debts - Andrew L Yarrow
The Future of Reputation: Gossip, Rumor, and Privacy on the Internet - Daniel J. Solove
Pacific Alliance: Reviving U.S.-Japan Relations - Kent E Calder
Making Meaning: How Successful Businesses Deliver Meaningful Customer Experiences - , Nathan Shedroff
Microsoft Office Project for Mere Mortals®: Solving the Mysteries of Microsoft Office Project - Patti Jansen
China's New Culture of Cool: Understanding the World's Fastest-Growing Market - , Cynthia Chan
PR 2.0: New Media, New Tools, New Audiences - Deirdre Breakenridge
People CMM�?®: A Framework for Human Capital Management - , William E. Hefley
Yes We Did: An inside look at how social media built the Obama brand - Rahaf Harfoush
Fuzzy Math: The Essential Guide to the Bush Tax Plan - , George W. Bush
Equilibrium Economics of Leon Walras - van Daal
Real Wages and Employment - Andres Dronby
Japan and Protection - Javed Maswood
Applications of the Expansion Method
Advances in the Science and Technology of Ocean Management - Hance D. Smith
Handbook of Dispute Resolution
Japanese Manufacturing Investment in Europe - Roger Strange
Business, The State and Economic Policy - Grant G. Amyot
Economic Consequences of the Gulf War - Kamran Mofid
Economic Organisation of a Financial System - Edwin Neave
History of Canadian Economic Thought - Robin Neill
Computers in Translation
Budget Deficits and Economic Activity in Asia - Kanhaya L. Gupta
Restructuring Hegemony in the Global Political Economy
Paths of Enterprise
Piero Sraffa, Unorthodox Economist (1898-1983) - Jean-Pierre Potier
History of Indian Economic Thought - Ajit Dasgupta
Economic and Social Cohesion in Europe
On the History of Economic Thought - W. W. Coats
Restructuring the Soviet Economy - David A. Dyker
Prices and Knowledge - Esteban F. Thomsen
Rules and Choice in Economics - J. Vanberg
Economics of Rationality
Pacific Asia - David W. Drakakis-Smith
Cambridge Controversies in Capital Theory - Jack Birner
Richard Cantillon - Anthony Brewer
Socialist Economies and the Transition to the Market - Ian Jeffries
Understanding Unemployment
Keynes' General Theory of Interest - C. Fiona Maclachlan
Growing a Japanese Science City - James W. Dearing
Stabilization and Structural Adjustment - Finn Tarp
Beyond Rhetoric and Realism in Economics - Thomas Boylan
Organizational Cultures - Diana C. Pheysey
Economics, Economists and Expectations - Warren Young
Employment, Wages and Income Distribution - Kurt W. Rothschild
Economics of German Unification
Philosophy of the Austrian School - Raimondo Cubeddu
Trade, Growth and Development
Polish Economic Crisis - Batara Simatupang
Revitalizing Socialist Enterprise
Macroeconomics of Transition - Jan Winiecki
Social Limits to Economic Theory - Jonathon Mulberg
Ethics and Economic Affairs
Finance Against Poverty: Volume 1 - David Hulme
A Different Vision - Vol 2
Evolutionist Economics of Leon Walras - Albert Jolink
Constraints and Impacts of Privatisation
Interest Rates and Budget Deficits - Kanhaya L. Gupta
Women in the Age of Economic Transformation
Expectations and the Meaning of Institutions
Migration and the International Labor Market 1850-1939
Quality Management Sourcebook - Christine Avery
Labour Market Evolution
Probability Foundations of Economic Theory - Charles R. McCann
Global Warming and Energy Demand
Financial Systems: Principles and Organization - Edwin H. Neave
Exchange Rate Determination and Control - Giorgio Radaelli
Privatization and After
The British Economy in Transition
Corporate Governance, Finance and the Technological Advantage of Nations - Andrew Tylecote
Europe's Economic Challenge
Gandhi's Economic Thought - Ajit K. Dasgupta
Do Organizations Have Feelings? - Martin Albrow
The Flexible Economy - Tony Killick
Foreign Direct Investment and Governments - John Dunning
Institutional Frameworks and Labor Market Performance
New Directions in Development Economics
Multinational Restructuring, Internationalization and Small Economies
Growth and Crisis in the Spanish Economy: 1940-93 - Sima Lieberman
Russian Economic Reform - Jim Leitzel
Work and Employment in Europe
Politics of Technology in Latin America
In the Realm of Organisation
A Different Vision - Vol 1
Equilibrium versus Understanding - Mark Addleson
Small Firm Formation and Regional Economic Development
Valuing Nature?
Entrepreneurship and the Market Process - David Harper
Small Business Enterprise - Gavin C. Reid
Economic Ideas and Government Policy - Alec Cairncross
The State of the History of Economics
Complexity and the History of Economic Thought
History of Environmental Economic Thought - Erhun Kula
The European Economy - Christopher Dent
Financial System Under Stress - Marc Uzan
The Economics of Joan Robinson
Inside the Music Business - Julian Newby
Guide to the Economies in Transition - Ian Jeffries
Social Economics
Laissez-Faire Banking - Kevin Dowd
Japan's Trade Policy - Yumiko Mikanagi
Financial Liberalization and Investment - Kanhaya Gupta
Italian Economy in the 1990's - H.M. Scobie
Transnational Corporations and Business Networks - , Peter Dicken
Liberalization in the Developing World - Andre Mommen
Currency Convertibility
European Union and National Macroeconomic Policy
The Japanese Foreign Exchange Market - Beate Reszat
Feminist Visions of Development
Technology, Culture and Competitiveness
Monetary Standards and Exchange Rates - , A. Rosselli
Equilibrium and Economic Theory - Giovanni Alfredo Caravale
Economics for the Common Good - Mark A. Lutz
The Politics of Central Banks
Economics and Ethics?
Central Banking in Developing Countries - Maxwell J. Fry
Multinational Corporations - Paz Estrella Tolentino
The Quality Business - , James Curran
Poverty - David Macarov
Capital in Disequilibrium - Peter Lewin
Studies in the Economic History of the Pacific Rim - A. J. Latham
Europe and Economic Reform in Africa - Obed O. Mailafia
Alliance Capitalism and Global Business - John H. Dunning
Borderlands of Economics - Nahid Aslanbeigui
Transformational Growth and the Business Cycle - Edward Nell
The Economics of International Integration 5th Ed - Peter Robson
Economic Development in Twentieth-Century East Asia
Economics of the Family and Family Policies
Working in the Macro Economy - Martin F. J. Prachowny
Creating Island Resorts - Brian King
Economic History of The Netherlands 1914-1995 - Jan L. van Zanden
Family Fictions and Family Facts - Brian Cooper
Marketing in Publishing - Patrick Forsyth
Neoclassical Microeconomic Theory
Maritime Economics - Martin Stopford
Policy Simulations in the European Union
Foundations of Entrepreneurship and Economic Development - David A. Harper
Competitiveness, Localised Learning and Regional Development - Peter Maskell
Urban Planning and the British New Right - Huw Thomas
Privatization in the European Union
Japan's War Economy
Economics and Politics of International Trade
Free Trade and its Reception 1815-1960
Japanese Views on Economic Development
New Instruments for Environmental Policy in the EU
Commerce and Capitalism in Chinese Societies - Gary G. Hamilton
A Macroeconomics Reader
Governance, Industry and Labour Markets in Britain and France
The New Institutional Economics and Third World Development
Evolutionary Economics and Creative Destruction
The Conservatives and Industrial Efficiency, 1951-1964 - Nick Tiratsoo
Rethinking Capitalist Development
Enterprise and Culture - Colin Gray
Economics of Structural and Technological Change
Historical Perspectives on Macroeconomics
Institutional Barriers to Economic Development
Knowledge Economies - Philip Cooke
Planning Sustainability
Financial Reforms in Eastern Europe - , Robert Lensink
Green Post-Communism? - Mikael Sandberg
Competition and Trade Policies
Risk and Business Cycles - Tyler Cowen
Competition, Growth Strategies and the Globalization of Services - Terence Lapier
Political Economy of Transition - Jozef M. Van Brabant
Women and European Employment - Jill Rubery
How Does Privatization Work?
Women, Accounting and Narrative - Rebecca E. Connor
The Active Consumer
The European Union and East Asia - Christopher Dent
The British Industrial Decline
Japanese Business Management
Economic Growth and Environmental Sustainability - Paul Ekins
Peasants and Religion - Jan Lundius
Explorations in Economic Methodology
Exchange Rate Policies in Emerging Asian Countries
A History of Portuguese Economic Thought - , Jose Luis Cardoso
Industrialisation and Globalisation - John Weiss
Conceiving Companies - Timothy L. Alborn
Understanding Learning at Work
Organizations in Action - Peter Clark
Business, Markets and Government in the Asia-Pacific
Developing Managerial Competence - Jonathan Winterton
Keynes and the Neoclassical Synthesis
The Dynamics of Change - Francis Stickland
Pacific Centuries
Work, Change and Competition - David Preece
Rethinking the Fifth Discipline - Robert Louis Flood
Historians of Economics and Economic Thought
Rethinking Industrial Relations - John Kelly
Aid and the Political Economy of Policy Change - Tony Killick
European Telecommunications Liberalisation - Kjell A. Sjovaag
Social Partnership at Work - Carola M. Frege
Money and Growth
Consumer Value
Japan and Singapore in the World Economy
Recovery from Armed Conflict in Developing Countries
New Multinational Enterprises from Korea and Taiwan - Roger Van Hoesel
Rethinking International Organisation - Barbara Emadi-Coffin
Critical Realism in Economics
The Governance of Large Technical Systems
Reward Management
Microfoundations and Macroeconomics - Steven Horwitz
Industrial Technology Development in Malaysia
Growth of the International Economy 1820-2000 - George Kenwood
States and Sovereignty in the Global Economy
Organisational Change and Retail Finance - Richard H. R. Harper
Information Systems Strategic Management - Steve Clarke
The Social Economics of Jean-Baptiste Say - Evelyn L. Forget
Employment Impact of Innovation
Indonesian Politics Under Suharto - Michael R. Vatikiotis
Engendering Economics - Paulette Olson
All Change at Work? - Neil Millward
What do Economists Know?
Reconstructing Political Economy - William K. Tabb
The Political Economy of China's Provinces
The German Historical School
Human Resource Management in the Hotel Industry - Kim Hoque
International Health Care Reform - Colleen Flood
The Economics of Professional Team Sports - Paul Downward
The End of Finance - Jan Toporowski
Accountability and Effectiveness Evaluation in Non-profit Organizations - , Victor V. Murray
Retail Product Management - Rosemary Varley
Machiavelli, Marketing and Management
Perspectives on Public Relations Research
Foreign Direct Investment in Emerging Economies - Lou Anne Barclay
Labour Relations in the Global Fast-Food Industry - Tony Royle
Understanding, Managing and Implementing Quality
Globalising Intellectual Property Rights - Duncan Matthews
Doing Business in China - , Morgen Witzel
Renegotiating the Welfare State
Immigration and Welfare
Understanding Human Resource Development
Schumpeter and the Endogeneity of Technology - Nathan Rosenberg
Globalization of Services - Lilach Nachum
Driving Force of the Market - Israel M. Kirzner
Competitiveness Strategy and Industrial Performance in Developing Countries - Ganeshan Wignaraja
A New Guide to Post-Keynesian Economics - Stephen Pressman
Managing Professional Identities
Money, Macroeconomics and Keynes
A Century of Foreign Investment in the Third World - Michael J. Twomey
Political Economy of Corruption
Transcending Transaction - Alan Shipman
Microeconomic Policy
Economics Broadly Considered
The Role of Resources in Global Competition - John Fahy
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