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Calculation and Coordination - Peter J. Boettke
The World Trade Organization Millennium Round
Bibliography of Female Economic Thought up to 1940 - Kirsten Madden
Finance and Competitiveness in Developing Countries
Pareto, Economics and Society - Michael McLure
Social Capital Versus Social Theory - Ben Fine
The Values of Economics - Irene van Staveren
Increasing Productivity and Profit through Health & Safety, 2nd Edition - Maurice Oxenburgh
Understanding the World Economy - Tony Cleaver
Competing Economic Theories - Sergio Nistico
Economic History of London, 1800-1914 - Michael Ball
The Fundamental Institutions of Capitalism - Ernesto Screpanti
Countryside Recreation Site Management
Emergence of Leadership - Douglas Griffin
Management Gurus and Management Fashions - Brad Jackson
Critical Realism and Marxism
Paradox of Control in Organizations - Philip Streatfield
Globalization and Localization - Indra de Soysa
Consumption Takes Time - Ian Steedman
Cycles, Growth and Structural Change - Lionello Punzo
From Followers to Leaders - Naushad Forbes
Globalization, Employment and the Workplace - Yaw A. Debrah
The Emergence of Social Enterprise
Business: The Key Concepts - Mark Vernon
Transition Economies and Foreign Trade - Jan Winiecki
Competition Law Reform in Britain and Japan - Kenji Suzuki
Marketing the e-Business - Lisa Harris
Strategic Operations Management - Robert H. Lowson
Charity Shops - Suzanne Horne
Changing Face of Chinese Management - Jie Tang
Labour Economics - Stephen Smith
Issues in Positive Political Economy
Global Trading System at the Crossroads - Dilip K. Das
New Unions, New Workplaces - Andy Danford
Human Resource Management in Construction Projects - Martin Loosemore
Macroeconomics for Developing Countries - Raghbendra Jha
Automotive Vehicle Safety - George A. Peters
Intersubjectivity in Economics
Economic Geography of Higher Education - Frans Boekema
Comparison of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises in Europe and in the USA - Solomon M. Karmel
Basic Mathematics for Economists - Mike Rosser
The Internet, Organizational Change and Labor - David C. Jacobs
Poetic Logic of Administration - Kaj Skoldberg
Multinational Firms and Impacts on Employment, Trade and Technology
Technological Resources and the Logic of Corporate Diversification - Brian Silverman
Political Business in East Asia - Edmund Gomez
Innovation as Strategic Reflexivity
Individual Decisions for Health
Markets and Politics in Central Asia - Gregory Gleason
Principles of Environmental Economics - Ahmed Hussen
SMEs and European Integration
New Regionalism in the Global Political Economy
Restructuring 'Korea Inc.' - Jang-Sup Shin
Work Process Knowledge - Nicholas Boreham
The Constitution of Liberty in the Open Economy - Luder Gerken
Accounting, Accountants and Accountability - Norman Macintosh
The Philosophy of Keynes' Economics
Shadow Globalization, Ethnic Conflicts and New Wars
Global Governance, Economy and Law - Errol P. Mendes
Social Security Reform in Advanced Countries
Evidence-Based Medicine
Shipping and Ports in the Twenty-first Century
Economic Theories of Peace and War - Fanny Coulomb
The New Global Politics of the Asia Pacific - Michael Connors
Managing Technological Development - Hakan Hakansson
Human Resource Management in China - Cherrie Jiuhua Zhu
Representing Workers
Women With Attitude - Susan Vinnicombe
Financial Liberalization and the Economic Crisis in Asia
Economic Development in Pacific Asia - Kanhaya Gupta
Institute of Accounts - Stephen E. Loeb
Growth and Development in the Global Political Economy - Anthony O'Hara
Enigma of Globalization - Robert Went
Managing the Global Network Corporation - Bruce McKern
Employment Relations in the Hospitality and Tourism Industries - Rosemary Lucas
America's Trade Policy Towards Japan - John Kunkel
Exchange Rate Dynamics
Mark to Market Accounting - Walter P. Schuetze
Economics of Search - John McCall
Managing Performance in the Public Sector - Hans de Bruijn
Central Banking Systems Compared - Emmanuel Apel
Construction Safety Management Systems
Classics and Moderns in Economics Volume II
Private Sector Involvement in the Euro
Capital and Knowledge in Asia
The Accumulation of Capital - Rosa Luxemburg
Marx for the 21st Century
Consumption as an Investment - Cosimo Perrotta
Arms Trade, Security and Conflict
Inside the Japanese Company - Fiona Graham
Crossing Cultures
Austrian Perspectives on the New Economy
The Crisis in Economics
Television Across Asia
European Works Councils
Ethnic Business - Brian C. Folk
Doing Business in China - Tim Ambler
Leadership in Organizations
International Marketing - Sak Onkvisit
e-Retailing - Charles Dennis
Foundations of Paul Samuelson's Revealed Preference Theory, Revised Edition - Stanley Wong
Management and Change in Africa - Terence Jackson
Employment Relations in Non-Union Firms - Tony Dundon
Revolutionary Russian Economy, 1890-1940 - Vincent Barnett
China Today
Development Planning - Arthur Lewis
A Primer for Integrated Marketing Communications - Philip Kitchen
Unbundled Government
China's Economic Relations with the West and Japan, 1949-1979 - Chad J. Mitcham
Korean Economy at the Crossroads - MoonJoong Tcha
Understanding Green Consumer Behaviour - Sigmund A. Wagner
Evolution of the Market Process
Fundraising Management - Adrian Sargeant
The Public Relations Handbook - Alison Theaker
Trade Liberalization and APEC - Jiro Okamoto
Human Resources, Care Giving, Career Progression and Gender - Beulah S. Coyne
Lessons in Leadership
Hume's Political Economy
Management: The Basics - Morgen Witzel
Land Rights, Ethno-nationality and Sovereignty in History
Tax Systems and Tax Reforms in Europe
History of Econometrics in France - Philippe Le Gall
British Business in Post-Colonial Malaysia, 1957-70 - Nicholas J. White
Popper and Economic Methodology
Russian Transformations
Law and Investment in China - Vai Tian
Individualism and the Social Order - Charles R. McCann
Cognitive Mechanics of Economic Development and Institutional Change - Bertin Martens
Knowledge Flows in European Industry
The Routledge Dictionary of Business Management - David A. Statt
Political Economy and the Labour Party, 2nd Edition - Noel Thompson
Structural Economics - Thijs Ten Raa
Globalisation, Transition and Development in China - Huaichuan Rui
Ethics, Money and Sport - Adrian Walsh
Thinking Organization
Handbook of Corporate Communication and Public Relations
Statistical Methods for Organizational Research - Chris Dewberry
Technological Communities and Networks - Dimitris Assimakopolous
New Economy in Transatlantic Perspective
Evaluating Adam Smith - William Henderson
International Human Resource Management - Dennis Briscoe
New Economy and Macroeconomics - Dario Togati
e-Economy - Lisa Harris
Economists in Cambridge - Cristina Marcuzzo
China Along the Yellow River - Cao Jinqing
Entrepreneurship - Thomas Grebel
Inside Consumption
Telecommunications Strategy - Peter Curwen
Financial Markets in Central and Eastern Europe
Strategic Issues in International Retailing
The Experiment in the History of Economics
A History of Scottish Economic Thought - Alexander Dow
Corporate Governance in China - Jian Chen
Labour Contracts and Labour Relations in Early Modern Central Japan - Mary Louise
How Economists Model the World into Numbers - Marcel Boumans
Brands - Adam Arvidsson
Implications of the Euro
Managing Human Resources in The Middle East
Dutch Enterprise in the 20th Century - Keetie E. Sluyterman
Ethics for International Business - John M. Kline
Experiencing Emergence in Organizations
The Rise and Fall of the East Asian Growth System, 1951-2000 - Xiaoming Huang
The History of Russian Economic Thought - Vincent Barnett
The Changing Economic Geography of Globalization - Giovanna Vertova
Culture and Politics in Economic Development - Volker Bornschier
The Group of Seven - Andrew Baker
Living with Transition in Laos - Jonathan Rigg
Productive Reflection at Work
Managing Information & Systems - Adrienne Curry
Contracting for Public Service - Carsten Greve
New Voices on Adam Smith
Political Economy of Peacebuilding - Tim Donais
Human Resource Management in Chinese Multinational
Aesthetics and Human Resource Development - Stephen Gibb
Female Entrepreneurship - Nancy Carter
Managing for Health
Managers and Mandarins in Contemporary China - Jie Tang
Ethical Codes and Income Distribution - Guglielmo Forges Davanzati
Liberalism against Liberalism - Javier Aranzadi
Corporate Strategy - Angelique du Toit
Global Technology and Corporate Crisis - Simon Moore
Complexity and the Experience of Leading Organizations
Risk Management and Innovation in Japan
Business Networks - Emanuela Todeva
Managing Uncertainties in Networks - Joop Koppenjan
Managing Human Resources in Africa
Booms, Bubbles and Bust in the US Stock Market - David Western
Telegeoinformatics: Location-based Computing and Services
Haunting the Knowledge Economy - Jane Kenway
Improving Workplace Learning - Karen Evans
Race and Economic Opportunity in the Twenty-First Century
Governing the Transatlantic Conflict over Agricultural Biotechnology - Joseph Murphy
Information Economics - Urs Birchler
Competing for Knowledge - Robert A Huggins
Globalisation, State and Labour
Law Reform in Developing and Transitional States - Tim Lindsey
Entry and Post-Entry Performance of Newborn Firms - Marco Vivarelli
Marketing: the basics - Karl Moore
China: A Guide to Economic and Political Developments - Ian Jeffries
Global Challenges and Local Responses - Jang-Sup Shin
Money and Markets
Finance: the basics - Erik Banks
Management in the Airline Industry - Geraint Harvey
Production Organizations in Japanese Economic Development - Tetsuji Okazaki
Economics of the Firm - Michael Dietrich
The Innovative Bureaucracy - Alexander Styhre
Sexualities, Work and Organizations - James Ward
Considerations on the Fundamental Principles of Pure Political Economy - Vilfredo Pareto
The Korean Developmental State - Iain Pirie
Economics, Ethics and the Market - Johan J. Graafland
Management Training and Development in China: Educating Managers in a Globalized Economy - Malcolm Warner
The Global Korean Motor Industry - Russell D. Lansbury
Competitiveness of New Industries
Social Capital, Trust and the Industrial Revolution - David T. Sunderland
Open Market Operations and Financial Markets
The Singapore Economy - Tilak Abeysinghe
Taiwan and Post-Communist Europe - Czeslaw Tubilewicz
Ecological Economics and Industrial Ecology - Jakub Kronenberg
Handbook of Business Interest Associations, Firm Size and Governance
Commercial and Business Organizations Law in Papua New Guinea - John Mugambwa
Adam Smith Review Volume III - Vivienne Brown
Growth and Fluctuations 1870-1913 (Routledge Revivals) - W., Arthur Lewis
Affirmative Action in the United States and India - Thomas E. Weisskopf
Sex Differences in Labor Markets - David Neumark
Just Exchange - Frank Buckley
The Regulation of International Trade - Michael J. Trebilcock
The Costs of Crime and Justice - Mark A. Cohen
Monetary Policy and Unemployment - Willi Semmler
The Student's Guide to Writing Economics - Robert H. Neugeboren
Entrepreneurship and Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy
Cognition and Extended Rational Choice - Howard Margolis
Cost-Effective Control of Urban Smog - Richard Kosobud
Contemporary Issues in Financial Reporting - Paul Rosenfield
Sexual Orientation Discrimination
Street Entrepreneurs
Development on the Ground
Dynamics of industrial Capitalism - Richard N. Langlois
The Future of Globalization
Post-Keynesian Macroeconomics Economics
Integrative Family Therapy Supervisor - Robert E. Lee
University-Industry Partnerships in MIT, Cambridge, and Tokyo - Sachi Hatakenaka
The Technological Fix
Democracy Advantage - Morton Halperin
Our Scene is London - James D. Mardock
Occupational Health and Safety in Construction Project Management - Helen C. Lingard
Checklist for Sustainable Landscape Management: Final Report of the EU Concerted Action AIR3-CT93-1210 - , M.J. van der Lubbe
Foreign Direct Investment - Bijit Bora
Geography of Production and Economic Integration - Miroslav N. Jovanovic
Money, Credit and Price Stability - Paul Dalziel
The New Mutualism in Public Policy - Johnston Birchall
Social Capital Versus Social Theory - Prof. Ben Fine
Econometric Analysis of the Real Estate Market and Investment - Peijie Wang
Realist Perspectives on Management and Organisations
Mexico Beyond NAFTA
Global Financial Crises and Reforms
Visual Consumption - Jonathan E. Schroeder
Complexity and Management - Ralph D. Stacey
Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)
International Business - Debra Johnson
Complex Responsive Processes in Organizations - Ralph D. Stacey
Mill on Nationality - Georgios Varouxakis
Complexity and Innovation in Organizations - Jose Fonseca
Understanding the Small Family Business
The European Economy 1914-2000 - Derek H. Aldcroft
Monetary Policy, Capital Flows and Exchange Rates
Keynes and Hayek - G.R. Steele
Brands - Celia Lury
Public Management and Governance
Managing Buyer-Supplier Relations - Rajesh Nellore
Markets for Schooling - Nick Adnett
The Process of Economic Development - J. M. Cypher
e-Business Fundamentals - Paul Jackson
Understanding and Preventing Falls
How Economics Forgot History - Geoffrey M. Hodgson
The Governance of Public and Non-Profit Organizations
Quality - John Beckford
Game Theory and Economic Analysis
Growth Theory and Growth Policy
Journey into Accounting Thought - Louis Goldberg
Construction Industry
Market Drive and Governance - Ralf Boscheck
Tradition of Free Trade - Lars Magnusson
Human Resource Management and Occupational Health and Safety - Carol Boyd
Monetary Stability in Europe - Stefan Collignon
Foundations of Economic Method - Lawrence Boland
Union Organizing - Gregor Gall
Research Skills for Management Studies - Alan Berkeley Thomas
Gender, Identity and the Culture of Organizations
Rethinking China's Provinces
Social Capital and Economic Development - Patrick Francois
Technological Change and Economic Performance - Albert N. Link
Using Research Instruments - David Wilkinson
Understanding Pensions - Martin Sullivan
Capitalism - Victor D. Lippit
Market and Society in Korea - Dennis McNamara
Managing Fiscal Decentralization
Economies of Network Industries - Hans-Werner Gottinger
Adam Smith Review: Volume I
Social and Economic Policies in Korea - Dong-Myeon Shin
Eighteenth Century Economics - Peter Groenewegen
The World of Consumption - Ben Fine
Management and the Worker - F. J. Roethlisberger
Former Yugoslavia at the Turn of the Twenty-First Century - Ian Jeffries
Corporate and Organizational Identities
Before and Beyond EMU
Manager Empowerment in China - Ray Yep
Biotechnology in Comparative Perspective - Gerhard Fuchs
Toward a Feminist Philosophy of Economics
MIT and the Rise of Entrepreneurial Science - Henry Etzkowitz
Economics and Management of Technological Diversification
Interpreting the Maternal Organization
Labour Relations in Development
Public Management: Old and New - Laurence E. Lynn Jr.
The Changing Face of Japanese Management - Keith Jackson
Globalization, Marginalization and Development
Handbook of Human Factors in Litigation
German and Japanese Business in the Boom Years
Global Political Economy and the Wealth of Nations - Phillip O'Hara
General Equilibrium
Managing the Risk of Workplace Stress - Sharon Clarke
Measuring Slipperiness
Changing Politics of Finance in Korea and Thailand - Xiaoke Zhang
Southeast Asian Paper Tigers?
Human Resource Development in Small Organisations
Kalecki's Economics Today
Monetary Unions
Rethinking Strategic Learning - Russ Vince
Classics and Moderns in Economics Volume I - Peter Groenewegen
Origins of National Financial Systems
Chinese Business in the Making of a Malay State, 1882-1941 - Wu Xiao
Partnership and Modernisation in Employment Relations
Japanese Governance
Globalizing Human Resource Management - Paul Sparrow
Cognitive Developments in Economics - Salvatore Rizzello
Foundations of Mathematical Economics - Richard van Den Berg
Understanding Sports Coaching - Tania Cassidy
Employment Impact of China's World trade Organisation Accession - A. S. Bhalla
Negotiation Games - Steven J. Brams
Internationalisation of Retailing in Asia
China's Third Economic Transformation
Accounting Theory
Alternatives for Valuing Nature - Michael Getzner
Trade Politics
Unholy Trinity - Duncan K. Foley
For Business Ethics - Campbell Jones
International Economics - Robert M. Dunn
Influencing Within Organizations - Andzrej Huczynski
New Frontiers in HRD
Hollywood Economics - Arthur De Vany
Macroeconomic Foundations of Macroeconomics - Alvaro Cencini
Managing Labour in Small Firms
Economics: The Basics - Tony Cleaver
Complexity, Organizations and Change - Elizabeth McMillan
Economic Development in Tatarstan - Leo McCann
The Piratization of Russia - Marshall I. Goldman
The Why of Consumption
Workplace Learning in Context
International Perspectives on Temporary Work
Moral Economy of Welfare States - Steffen Mau
Social Foundations of Markets, Money and Credit - Costas Lapavitsas
Private Sector after Communism - Jan Winiecki
Labour, Politics and the State in Industrialising Thailand - Andrew Brown
Reinventing HRM
Globalisation and the Labour Market
Management, Labour Process and Software Development - Rowena Barrett
Sociology, Work and Industry - Tony Watson
The Evolution of Institutional Economics - Geoffrey M. Hodgson
International Trade System - Alice Landau
The Lender of Last Resort
Global Economic Institutions - Willem Molle
Architects of the International Financial System - Anthony Endres
International Business and Information Technology
Civil Happiness - Luigino Bruni
Agency and Change - Raymond Caldwell
Retail Product Management - Rosemary Varley
Microfinance: Perils & Prospects
Critical Thinking in Human Resource Development
Back and Bed: Ergonomic Aspects of Sleeping - Bart Haex
Catch-Up and Competitiveness in China - Jin Zhang
Labour Migration and the Palestinian State - Leila Farsakh
Political Economy of Public Finance in Britain, 1767-1873 - Takuo Dome
Management of Regeneration - John Diamond
Japanese Industrial Governance
Financial Management and Control in Higher Education - Malcolm Prowle
Topology of 2x2 Games - David Robinson
Japanese Interfirm Networks - Ralph Paprzycki
Institutional Change in Southeast Asia
Managing to Collaborate - Chris Huxham
Information Warfare in Business - Iain Munro
Valuing Intellectual Property in Japan, Britain and the United States
Credit and Collateral - Vania Sena
Challenge and Change in China's Development An Enterprise Perspective - David Brown
Inequality and Economic Integration
International Business-Society Management - Rob van Tulder
How Monetary Policy Works
Knut Wicksell on Poverty - Mats Lundahl
Critical Realist Applications in Organisation and Management Studies
China's Business Reforms
The Airline Business - Rigas Doganis
Financing Higher Education - Nicholas Barr
Japanese Company in Crisis - Fiona Graham
Worlds of Capitalism - Max Miller
Coping with Russia's New Labour Market
Cross-Cultural Competence - Slawomir Magala
Managing Human Resources in Europe
A Complexity Perspective on Researching Organisations
European Business - Debra Johnson
Gender and Entrepreneurship - Attila Bruni
A Comparison of the Trade Union Merger Process in Britain and Germany - Jer Waddington
Russian Path Dependence - Stefan Hedlund
International Crisis Management - Marc Houben
China's Industrial Policies and the Global Business Revolution - Ling Liu
Responsible Leadership
Dilemmas Of Leadership - Tudor Rickards
Learning in Organizations - Peter J. Smith
Conflict and Change in EU Budgetary Politics - Johannes Lindner
Developments in the Call Centre Industry
The Scope of Tolerance - Raphael Cohen-Almagor
Strategic and Organizational Change - Alistair Mutch
Managing Technology and Innovation
Political Conflict and Development in East Asia and Latin America
Environmental Sustainability - Raghbendra Jha
Governing Interests
Modern Applications of Austrian Thought - Jürgen G. Backhaus
Location and Competition - Harry Garretsen
The Turkish Economy
Fifty Major Economists - Steven Pressman
Japanese Telecommunications
Small Firms and Innovation Policy in Japan
Global Staffing
Social Construction of Management - Nancy Harding
Transforming Economics
Changing Political Economy of Vietnam - Martin Gainsborough
Rethinking Public Relations - Kevin Moloney
Creative Philanthropy - Helmut K. Anheier
China's State Enterprise Reform - John Hassard
Chinese Corporate Identity - Peter Peverelli
Money and Payments in Theory and Practice - Sergio Rossi
Russian Business Power
Consumer Capitalism - Anastasios Korkotsides
Clinton and Blair - Flavio Romano
Social Enterprise - Marthe Nyssens
Hong Kong Film,, Hollywood and New Global Cinema
A History of Auditing - Derek Matthews
Leadership: the Key Concepts - Antonio Marturano
Institutional Change in the Payments System and Monetary Policy - Stefan W. Schmitz
Working with Volunteers in Sport - Graham Cuskelly
Innovations and Institutions - Patrick Vermeulen
Developing Countries and the Doha Development Agenda of the WTO
Adam Smith Review Volume II - Vivienne Brown
Speaking of Economics - Arjo Klamer
Management Development
Hayek and Natural Law - Erik Angner
The Moral Leader - Sandra J. Sucher
The Development of the American Public Accounting Profession - T.A. Lee
Taiwan in the 21st Century
Social Costs and Public Action in Modern Capitalism - Wolfram Elsner
Mathematical Finance - Nikolai Dokuchaev
Narrating the Management Guru - David Collins
Museums in the Material World
Power at Work - Darren McCabe
Growth, Distribution and Innovations - Amit Bhaduri
Paying for Progress in China
The Chinese Banking Industry - Yuanyuan Peng
Knowledge and Innovation in Business and Industry
The WTO after Hong Kong
Marshall Plan Days (Routledge Revivals) - P. Kindleberger Charles
Flawed Foundations of General Equilibrium Theory - Frank Ackerman
Choice in Everyday Life - Robert Urquhart
Dewey, Pragmatism and Economic Methodology
Land Use Problems and Conflicts - Stephan J. Goetz
Macroeconomic Policies and Poverty
Network Access, Regulation and Antitrust - Diana L. Moss
Money and Markets - Roger Koppl
Understanding Macroeconomic Theory - Bradley T. Ewing
Aquaculture Law and Policy
The World Economic Forum - Geoffrey Allen Pigman
Globalization and Self-Determination - David R. Cameron
International Economic Integration in Historical Perspective - Patrick McCarthy
Russia Moves into the Global Economy - John M. Letiche
Private Enterprises and China's Economic Development
The Legal-Economic Nexus - Warren Samuels
Project Managing E-Learning - Maggie McVay Lynch
Marketing: The Basics (second edition) - Karl Moore
Insurrection - Kevin Danaher
The New Accountability - Martin Carnoy
Labor Versus Empire
Prison Labor in the United States - Asatar Bair
Effective Writing - Christopher Turk
Handbook of Environmental Economics: Environmental Degradation and Institutional Responses
Handbook of Labor Economics
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